Lemmy Goes To The Pub | Motorhead | Supertesti.it

Lemmy Goes To The Pub

Testo Lemmy Goes To The Pub

Your eyes are open, you can‘t see
Lying there out of your tree
Your knees are flipping on the floor
Your mouth ain‘t making sense no more

A real hero, a real zero
You know his name he‘s the bozo

Your boring waffle gets me down
Grab your hat and get out of town
Why do you always want to gab,
Sling your I aint your dad

A real hero, a real zero
I know your name, you‘re the bozo

You tell those awful bloody jokes
Pulling bloody awful strokes
You‘re groping everbodies bint
You never buy a bastard drink

A real hero, a real zero
You‘re everywhere, your the bozo

I curse the day you were fucking born

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